
Attack Origins


Attack Targets


Attack Types

Service Port

Live Attacks

Attacker Target Type
Timestamp Organization Location IP Location Service Port

Aksyon Shield Attack Map

This visualization, Attack Map, is a consolidated data from the Aksyon Shield protecting websites in every agency, both private and public. Aksyon Shield is Anti-DDoS Service that also capable of handling Layer 7 attacks like SQLi, XSS, Remote Code Execution, and more. Attack Map is where the information be displayed when an attack is made.

Hovering over the Attack Origins, Attack Targets, or Attack Types will highlight just the attacks emanating from that country or over that service-port respectively. Hovering over any bubble on the map, will highlight only the attacks from that location and type. Press s to toggle table sizes.

For more information, please contact: inquiry@8layertech.com

Each particle represents an attack

Attack origins are grouped into clusters

Countries are shaded in as they're attacked

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